Visual Arts Ministry
The Joie de Vivre Visual Arts Ministry of St. John’s celebrates the blessing of creative expression that has been bestowed upon all of God’s children. These images represent what we hope for and aspire to as we rejoice in the blessing of life that is the Lord's gift for all to share.
This Ministry curates and presents images that bring glory to God through a gallery setting in our St. John's lobby.
In addition to our gallery and art shows, the Visual Arts Ministry periodically holds workshops where St. John's members and guests can explore their connection to God through the creation of art.
Lobby Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00AM - 4:00PM, Friday 9:00AM - 12PM
Previous Art Shows
Featured at St. John's
Visio Testimonium Passions Christi
St. John's Visual Arts Ministry presented "Visio Testimonium Passionis Christi" (a visual testimony of the Passion of Christ) for Lent 2023. Follow the passion of Christ and his journey to the cross from his return to Jerusalem, crucifixion, resurrection, and his ultimate victory. This exhibit offers the viewer an opportunity for meditative and prayerful reflection which brings the prophecies of the Old Testament to the good news of our redemption through his sufferings and sacrifices.
Featured Artists
Paul Chandler
Beyond Blankets 2.0
FALL 2022
"Beyond Blankets" is a celebration of American quilting, from traditional to contemporary. This show will be on display in St. John's Sanctuary entrance in during the fall of 2022.
Featured Artists
Featuring original works by members of St. John's Quilting and Needle Arts groups.
The art on display is available for purchase, and all sales benefit St. John's. For information about acquisitions, call our church office at 505-883-9717.
The Healing Journey
Spring 2022
During Lent, Senior Pastor Randall Partin preached a series called "The Healing Journey". Each week the congregation explored ways to heal relationships in their lives and in their community. The artwork was displayed by the Visual Arts Ministry to follow that journey, and was on display throughout the spring of 2022.
Featured Artists
Featuring original works by members of St. John's congregation including:
Paul Chandler
Kay Richards
St. John's Youth