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Brian Eagan

Family Spirit Sunday School Class In Person

Family Spirit Sunday School Class is now in person. We will be studying Words of Life: Jesus and the Promise of the Ten Commandments Today, by Rev. Adam Hamilton.

Classroom 257 has now reopened on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. for an in person, face to face, class (no more zoom). We are now studying the book and video series: Words of Life: Jesus and the Promise of the Ten Commandments Today, by Rev. Adam Hamilton. On Sunday, July 11 and 18, we will discuss Chapter 4: Rediscovering the Joy of Sabbath.

(To learn more: watch this quick introduction video (65 seconds) of Adam Hamilton speaking about book and video series that was filmed in Egypt). “In this book of scripture and inspiration, bestselling author Adam Hamilton brings modern eyes to the most famous set of rules in history, recovering the Ten Commandments as more than just a set of onerous prohibitions.

He considers the commandments in their historical context, unpacking the meaning of each commandment in Hebrew, how Jesus reinterpreted them, and how Jews and Christians have understood them over the millennia.

He also explores how the latest research in science and psychology illuminates these commandments, rightly understood as a way of ordering one's life beautifully in the present day.

In a culture marked by workaholism, materialism, and social media-driven envy, God has given us a time-tested path that leads to gratitude, confidence, and peace.

To watch the series of 10 sermons preached by Rev. Adam Hamilton about the Ten Commandments (which he then wrote up and published as the book we are currently studying), click here.

This class is taught by Rev. Doug Sweet and his wife Ann Edenfield Sweet. For more information on this free class, please contact Brian A. Eagan by email:

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