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Election Day Communion Service

Rev. Josh Kouri

Close up image of two hands holding Communion cup while another hand dips bread into cup

As we approach election day, I'm reminded of the words of Paul Brunton: 


The world gives itself up to incessant activity

merely because it knows of nothing better. 

The inspired person works among its whirring wheels also, 

But he knows whither the wheels are going. 

For they have found the center where all is stillness. 


On Tuesday, November 5, I want to invite you to a place of stillness and peace. At St. John's that evening, we will host an Election Day Communion Service in the Sanctuary at 6:00 p.m.

We are offering this service for a few reasons. First, we gather to remember that Jesus saves us; that's not a politician's job. Through Jesus, we find peace and wholeness. Second, we come to seek forgiveness and reconciliation both with God and one another for the ways our words on behalf of candidates have caused harm and hurt. Finally, we have come to celebrate that God is present with us in all circumstances and regardless of the result of a vote. God is always present and God is always good!


So join us at 6:00 p.m. on November 5. Come to the table and experience God's love. 


Rev. Josh Kouri

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