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Youth Ministry

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 In our life, God desires to provide us a sure and safe place to stand that is rooted in His love and the promises of His Word.  Solid Ground is our youth group of young people 6th-12th Grade, that meet Sundays (during the school year) from 4-6PM. We hope you will choose to come stand tall and firm among us on Sunday nights.

If you have any questions about our Youth Group or how your child can join, please contact our  Youth Director Brett Reece at

Download and complete the Youth Permission Form to participate in Solid Ground Youth Group.

2025 Spring Schedule

Regular Youth Events

Sonrise Choir Rehearsal ǀ Sundays at 9:30am

Come raise your voice and sing with our Sonrise choir (grades 6th – 12th ). Rehearsals for the spring semester start on January 12 and are held in the choir room at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings. The choir sings at the 11:00 am service about once a month.

Youth Sunday School ǀ Sundays at 11:00am

Starting on January 5, join us on Sunday mornings for youth Sunday school. Class starts at 11:00 am and meets in our upstairs youth lounge. Class will be roughly an hour during 11:00 am worship.

Solid Ground Youth Group ǀ Sundays from 4:00pm - 6:00pm

Are you ready to grab some snacks, have some fun, and build a community of friends and faith? Join us every Sunday afternoon in the FLC as we do just that for the youth here at St. John’s. Every student from grades 6th – 12th is welcome!

Special Events

January 5 ǀ Spring Semester Kick-Off
February 9 ǀ Superbowl Party
February 21 - 22 ǀ St. John's Lock-In

April 19 - 20 | Easter Vigil

May 18 | Baccalaureate Sunday

Volunteer Opportunities

This semester our youth will be participating in a number of volunteer opportunities, along with other youth around the community, through the Love God Love Neighbor organization. The second Sunday of each month offers a new volunteer opportunity that connects our students with various organizations in our community and helps facilitate our reach and service to those around us. If you would like any additional information about the services we participate in, please reach out to our Youth Director, Brett, at


Sign Up for Youth Newsletter

Stay up to date with the latest Youth Ministry news by signing up for our Youth newsletter! Enter your name and email address in the sign up box below to add yourself to our Youth mailing list.

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